News Update on Guangzhou Children's Library Bookmobile
Since the Bookmobile was put into service in October 2007, Guangzhou Children's Library has visited remote areas of Guangdong Province to...
汶萊中華中學 "胡文虎禮堂" 竣工
基金會撥出港幣1,142,000元, 捐建汶萊中華中學新教學大樓, 命名為 "胡文虎禮堂"的新大樓目前已竣工。
Building Completed for Chung Hwa Middle School
The Foundation donated HK$1,142,000 to Chung Hwa Middle School. The school used these funds to construct a new building, recently...
基金會向廣州市少年兒童圖書館捐贈一部汽車圖書館, 藏書量10,000冊, 方便廣州市區和邊遠地區200多所少年兒童借書。
Bookmobile Donated to Guangzhou Children's Library
The Foundation donated a mobile library to the new branch of the Guangzhou Children's Library. The mobile library holds 10,000 volumes...
400多名來自海內外知名人士和內地官員在這裡隆重舉行“虎豹塔”落成儀式, 以紀念胡文虎先生誕辰125週年。 新建的“虎豹塔”是仿照香港“虎塔”, 共高七層, 聳立在“胡文虎紀念館”鄰近的山坡上, 與中川村的“虎豹別墅”和“牌樓”構成了一個嶄新的旅遊景點。許多來參加活動的嘉賓...
Hong Kong Pagoda Rebuilt in Fujian Province
The newly-built Tiger Pagoda was dedicated in a ceremony attended by more than 400 overseas dignitaries and Chinese officials. The...
在參觀了胡文虎基金會捐建的僑育中學科技教學大樓後, 香港商人陳偉光夫婦即時捐贈伍萬元港幣修建該校藍球場。該球場共需資金人民幣10萬元, 胡文虎基金會增撥人民幣伍萬元。
Hong Kong Couple Donates Money for Playground at Qiaoyu Secondary School in Fujian Province
After attending the dedication of a new science wing at Qiaoyu Secondary School, financed by the Aw Boon Haw Foundation, Mr Chan Wai...